
I dream about you so much that it doesn’t even feel real. 

The way you held me when I hardly wanted to be held,

Pressed your lips to my neck, persistent and near,

Your breath hot on my skin like a slap to the face, 

How I wish I didn’t take advantage of your embrace. 

I dream about you so much that it doesn’t even feel real. 

Your face, twisted and tugged by an unseen force,

Constantly shifting, even as you stride the Earth,

Like an alien, absorbing life forces that were never meant to be yours,

Yet you seized them, selfishly, just the same.

I dream about you so much that it doesn’t even feel real. 

I wish I could voice all the truths I carry—

How the praying mantis craved to claim the crown

Of a queen who flickered for a fleeting spark,

A bond built in shadows, strained from the start.

And now I stand, a silent spectator,

Watching this parasitic performance unfold.


craft project


silent salutations